Short Shot: More Israel Only Dishonesty
More “Israel Only” Dishonesty!
I recently documented some of the blatant dishonesty of some of those who are espousing the view that God never loved anyone but Israel and never did– and never will- save anyone but those of the bloodline of Israel. (Known as the “Israel Only” view). This truly ungodly doctrine is peopled by several practical atheists whose goal is to destroy the faith of believers. I have seldom, in all of my years, witnessed such egregious, continual and wilful dishonesty. As I stated in a recent post, while I am sure that there are some honest folks unwittingly caught up in that idea, my personal experience is that the leading spokesman are totally dishonest. That is more than revealing.
Just recently, on Facebook, (World of Preterism page), Ken Attwood, one of the more aggressive posters supporting IO, made the following claim: // Gentiles (non-Israelites) never KNEW GOD. They were never in a relationship with the God of Israel.// (Quote from 5-3-2022).
Then, on 5-4-2022 Attwood’s partner in Scriptural perversion, Michael Servetus, posted this:
“Jesus called disobedient Israelites “GENTILES.” (Citing Matthew 18:15f). I responded: //NO he did not call disobedient Israelites. he said that the disobedient Israelite was to be consider AS A GENTILE. Meaning that the Israelites WERE NOT GENTILES!// Mr. /Servetus tried to divert attention away from the fact that he had given the farm away, along with the dog, the cat, the horse, the cow, the gold fish and the gerbil, by saying, (5-5-2022): //One cannot join a genealogy, Don. That’s Bible 101.// I then responded:
I never said a person could join a genealogy. More of your distortions. I said, in full conformity with Scripture, that a foreigner could become “as a native born” Israelite in regard to covenant blessings and your smoke screen cannot hide or destroy this fact.
Funny, though, your OP said that a disobedient Israelite would be called a Gentile. Is that in a covenantal sense or in a DNA sense? Better be careful here, cause the IO paradigm is on extremely thin ice here! LOL!
God made the New Covenant with Israel– as promised– but, he invites anyone of faith to join in that covenant– as Revelation 21-22 proves when the nations– you know, as you and other IOers have admitted, the non-Isralite nations– are invited to enter that New Covenant city. Easy as can be, so I hope this is helpful.
You have– as usual– totally negated your paradigm. I do appreciate you doing that for all to see.
Do you see how the IO folks make an “argument” and then when that so called “argument” blows up in their face that they just change the subject? (And sometimes, they even turn around and deny having made the original argument).
But you see, when Mr. Servetus claims that a blood line Israelite becomes a Gentile (distorting what the text actually says, which is that they would become “as a Gentile), he is essentially saying that the Israelite changed his own DNA to that of something NOT OF THE ISRAELITE BLOOD LINE! (All the while saying that you can’t change your genealogy, i.e. your DNA!). The self contradictions here are many, and the flagrant abuse of the actual text is revealing. Now, back to Mr. Attwood.
Remember that Mr. Attwood stated: // Gentiles (non-Israelites) never KNEW GOD. They were never in a relationship with the God of Israel.// (Quote from 5-3-2022).
Well, when I read that comment I was stunned! Why? Well, because the comment itself is true, but evidently Mr. Attwood never stopped to think of the implications of his own comment and how fatal his admission is for the entire IO paradigm.
Here is what I posted in response (5-9-2022- I actually posted this argument several times and not one Ioer addressed it, except to try and deflect attention away from it):
//Gentiles (non-Israelites) never KNEW GOD. They were never in a relationship with the God of Israel. (Ken Atwood fatally admits).
But, the Gentiles who had never known God, who had never been in a relationship with God were / are now being called into Christ and considered as fellow heirs and members of the household of God– said Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles (you know, the folks that had never known God or had never had a relationship with God).
Therefore, the Gentiles– those who had never known God and had never had a relationship with God, are now called into a relationship with God and fellow heirs with Israel, in the body of Christ.
Thank you Mr. Atwood!//
I repeated this argument no less than four times, and the only response offered by any IO’er was to claim that the “Gentiles” of Ephesians were actually Israelites who had sinned violating the Law of Moses (by appealing to 1 John 3:4). The objector tried to argue that 1 John 3:4 was referring to sin that could only come through violation of the Law of Moses.
//Your attempt to negate Ephesians 2 by distorting 1 John 3:4 will not work. The IO false presupposition that there could be no sin without Torah is being imposed on the text in an eisegetic faux pas– creating a false contradiction. Sin existed prior to Torah, and had nothing to do with the Law of Moses prior to Sinai. 1 John says not one word about only being a reality under the Law of Moses.
You admission of what constituted a Jew and an Israelite destroys IO in light of Ephesians 2
I should note also that Attwood claimed (in response to my citation of his definition of Gentile)– //Don is lying once again about my definition of gentile.// The fact is that I copied and pasted his own definition and description of “Gentile.” Those are his own words, and so typical of IOers, he simply lied when entrapped by his own words!
So, let me close by reiterating the argument that Attwood, Michael Beiras, Michael Servetus and Chris Breecher all ignored:
//Gentiles (non-Israelites) never KNEW GOD. They were never in a relationship with the God of Israel. (Ken Atwood’s own words).
But, the Gentiles who had never known God, who had never been in a relationship with God were / are now being called into Christ and considered as fellow heirs and members of the household of God– said Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles (you know, the folks that had never known God or had never had a relationship with God).
Therefore, the Gentiles– those who had never known God and had never had a relationship with God, are now called into a relationship with God and fellow heirs with Israel, in the body of Christ.
For an truly in-depth investigation of the reality that God always intended to offer salvation to all people of all nations, see my book: One Root, One Kingdom, All Nations!