The Importance of the Sabbath and Eschatology

The Importance of the Sabbath and Eschatology

The Sabbath is very much neglected in the study of eschatology (end times teaching). Many who do speak of the Sabbath as central to their theology often fail to undersrtand and or acknowledge the typical nature of the Sabbath and its relationship to the fulfillment of all things.

In other words, not until all types and shadows are fulfilled, does the Sabbath cease to have relevance and signficance in redemption. “So let no one judge you in food or in drink or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things [about] to come, but the substance is of Christ.” (Col. 2:16-17)

Of the elements in the text, all of them were the types and shadows of the true realities in Christ. To list them for futher clarity they are: 
fooddrinkfestivalsnew moonssabbaths
These belong to a group categerized as the shadow which prefigured the reality in Christ. As goes, one, so goes them all. For those who claim the Sabbath(s) is binding, they should be consistent and bind the food, drink, festivals and new moons. In other words, they should acknowledge they are but practitioners of a fractured Torah ministry.

As long as these are joined together in Scripture, no man has the right to rend them asunder. Yet, so many have done so to create a new theology of the church. Their doctrine in essence is, unless you keep the law of Moses, you cannot be saved.

Can you imagine these modern Judaizers at the Jerusalem conference where Peter stated concerning the Gentiles that they (Torah-keeping Jews) would be saved even as the non-Torah keeping Jews? (Acts 15:1f)

Further, Stephen died by stoning for teaching that that Jesus Christ would come and destroy the temple and change the customs delivered to Moses. (Acts 6:13-14) Were the customs listed above spoken to Moses? Join us today at 6pm.


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