Review of Danny Douglas Bellview Lectures #4

Our critique of the eschatology lectures at Bellview continue with studies from Danny Douglas. His lesson was Partial versus Full Preterism. We honestly have not much to critique in this lesson because the speaker didn’t make any arguments. He gave a…

Revelation 13, Pope Francis and the End of the World

The Book of Revelation offers prophetic and apocalyptic insights into the message of the end time. Many believe that because Pope Francis is the 8th Pope that he aligns with the mysteries of Revelation, and the Catholic church is often purported to be…

Critique of Joel McDurmon and Isaiah 65 Part II

Today we present the second part of our critique of Joel McDurmon and Iaiah 65 on the New Heavens and new earth. We examine Isaiah 65 to determine whether it is to be understood in apocalyptic language or by using a literal hermeneutic. 

We also…

Then Comes the End 1 Corinthians 15:24

Then Comes the End 1 Corinthains 15:24

Of what end does the apostle speak? Is it the end of time believed by many? Is it the time Christ gives up his kingom to surrender his reign. Again, many believe this is the teaching of the verse.

In our study…