The Last Days and the Man of Sin Continued

Today we continue our discussion on the last days and the man of sin of 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 .The identity of the man of sin has troubled scholars and commentators over the years. However, Scripture has given us certain contextual and historical…

The Last Days and Signs of the End 2 Thessalonians 2

Join us for another study on the last days and the man of lawlessness. We continue to do textual exegesis of the 2 Thessalonians and the time of the end. Discover what the Scriptures say about the last days and the mystery of iniquity working in the…

Is Donal Trump The Antichrist of the Last Days?

While President Trump is by some standards considered an eccentric character, does that lead to proof that He is the man of lawlessness? Does his decision to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to East Jerusalem qualify him as the fulfillment of…

Parables of the Kingdom Matthew 25

In today’s message, we will examine Matthew 25 and other texts which speak of the kingdom and its establishment. Due to the wide-reach of those who believe in a future coming, the kingdom has not yet come. The parables in Matthew 25 are often used to…

The Last Days and the Great Apostasy

Join us for a continuation of the study of the Last Days and the Great Apostasy. In both Matthew 24 and 2 Thessalonians, the Bible discusses the great apostasy which would occur in the prophetic time frame known as the last days. How can we identify…