The Messianic Temple Part 1

One of the most interesting and rewarding studies found in both Old Testament prophecy and in the New Testament is the Messianic Temple. A much underrated and overlooked theme in the Bible by many has caused much confusion over a variety of end times…

The Last Days and the Apostasy in 2 Thessalonians

What is the significance of the sign of the apostasy and the man of sin? Is it a sign of an imminent end of the world for our day? Is it a sign of the second coming? We are told there are no signs of the second coming. We are told that Jesus only…

The Last Days and the Man of Lawlessness

Join us for a continuation of studies on the last days and the man of lawlessness from 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. Contemporary views hold these events to be yet future. They see the current political landscape as a framework for fulfillment. The move…