The Messianic Temple Part 2
Join us for studies on the Messianic Temple.
Fulfilled Radio, A Voice You Can Trust
Join us for studies on the Messianic Temple.
One of the most interesting and rewarding studies found in both Old Testament prophecy and in the New Testament is the Messianic Temple. A much underrated and overlooked theme in the Bible by many has caused much confusion over a variety of end times…
What is the significance of the sign of the apostasy and the man of sin? Is it a sign of an imminent end of the world for our day? Is it a sign of the second coming? We are told there are no signs of the second coming. We are told that Jesus only…
Welcome Daniel Rogers as Guest Host who will join the discussion. Tonight Two Guys and A Bible will continue the last half of the Spirit and Life Recap from last week. This was a great event and we wanted to share more information from the event and…
Spirit and Life Lectures on the Book of Revelation
During this past weekend, thirteen preachers in the church of Christ gathered at the Lake Shore Church of Christ in South Haven Michigan to discuss and present lectures on the Book of Revelation. The…
Join us for a continuation of studies on the last days and the man of lawlessness from 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. Contemporary views hold these events to be yet future. They see the current political landscape as a framework for fulfillment. The move…
Join us for a continuing study on the great apostasy and the man of lawlessless and the implications both have for futurist eschatology. Much of the current discussion on this topic was incited by the announcement of President Trump that the U.S….
Contrary to the modern day prophecy pundit who tell us– repeatedly– the Man of Sin is just around the corner, the Bible is very clear that the Man of Sin was a first century reality!
More studies on the Last Days and the Great Apostasy from 2 Thessalonians 2. In addition, we are reviewing what others are saying about the end times, especially in light of current events. These studies provide you with opportunities to see the views…
As we continue to study the doctrine of the coming of the Lord, the last days and its relationship to the man of lawlessness, we encounter a very significant and fundamental KEY running through all Bible prophecy. In today’s broadcast, we will discuss…