The Messianic Temple and the Last Days, Isaiah 2-4 #22

The Messianic Temple was prophesied to be established in the last days according to Isaiah and many other Scriptures. This new temple was shown to consist of living stones  with Christ as a sure foundation stone laid in Zion. Hear the prophetic word…

The Messianic Temple and the Last Days, Isaiah 2-4 #21

A fascinating study that continues to captivate the minds of the serious students of the Bible is that of the Messianic Temple in the last days of Israel. Isaiah paints a vividly dramatic picture of through the imagery of Scripture and apocalyptic…

The Messianic Temple and the Last Days #20 Isaiah 2-4

The Messianic  temple and the last days found in Isaiah 2-4 is the background for this series of studies. Don Preston has been sharing Scriptural insights on the Messianic Temple. The salvation of the remnant and destruction of the natural seed of…

The Millennial Temple and Last Days Isaiah 3 #19

Join us as we continue to study the Last Days Messianic temple discussion from the writings of Isaiah and other Old Testament Prophets. This has been an edifying study that opens our understanding to God’s will for the temple in the last days. Is it a…

The Millennial Temple and the Last Days #18

Welcome to another year of broadcasting with Two Guys and A Bible. We are delighted to bring a message on the Millennial Temple and the Last Days #18.  Great things are on the drawing board for this year and some of them are being announced in the…

The Millennial Temple and the Last Days, Isaiah 3-4 #17

The study of the Messianic temple continues to make the news. Interest is at an all time high and many expect sometime the end of this year or the next year to be the time of the rapture. Will they see th fulfillment of a third temple built or will it…

The Millennial Temple and the Last Days #16

Will there be a third temple rebuilt in Jerusalem to complete the end time? Are we living in the last days? Isaiah chapters 2-4 offer clues and the evidence we need to understand the events of the last days. The judgment of God was against those who…

The Messianic Temple Isaiah 2-4 #15

 We continue our studies in Isaiah chapters 2-4 on the Messianic Temple which was established in the last days. Controversy exists over this explosive subject ranging from the identification of the last days, the rebuilding of a third temple, a future…

The Messianic Temple #14

Many are under the impression and notion that the BIble prophesies a Messianic Temple to be built in Israel. They believe this will fulfilled the prophetic scriptures of the last days? They believe that the time for these events are upon us.


The Messianic Temple #13 Isaiah 2-4

For the past several weeks, we have been discussing the Messianic Temple from the context of Isaiah chapters 2-4 and others. These chapters form the foundation and framework for the building of the house of God to which all the nations flow in the…