Does All Mean All Lk. 21:22? #11

Join us for today’s broadcast for another journey through the exciting world of fulfilled Bible prophecy. Be sure to tune in for the upcoming broadcasts on the NOWNETWORK listed below.

The NOW Network has a viewership of over 30 Million homes in the…

Foudation Stone For A New Temple #10

Welcome to Two Guys and A Bible. Joine Don K Preston and William Bell as they discuss Bible prophecy and other important topics in the Bible. Currently, the study of Christ as the sure Foundation for A New Temple is answering a lot of questions about…

Foundation Stone For A New Temple #9

In today’s study we continue to develop the theme of a new temple built in Zion. The foundation stone has been laid, the chief corner stone is put in place and the building is fitly framed that the worship of the Lord might continue. The N.T. is the…

Foundation Stone For A New Temple Part 8

Isaiah prophesied of the foundation stone which was to be laid in Zion, Isa. 28:16. David also spoke of this stone becoming the head of the corner in Psa. 118:22. What does the NewTestament have to say about the foundation stone? Will this temple be…

Foundation Stone For A New Temple #7

Last week we began looking at Acts 4:11-12 in a study of the foundation stone for a new temple. In comparing this text, we established some great correlations with Matt. 21:41-43, and several Old Testament passages. 

Tonight we will continue our…

Foundation Stone For A New Temple #6

In today’s study, we continue an exploration of the topic of the Foundation Stone For A New Temple. This is the stone mentioned in Isaiah 28:16, as the basis for faith. For more information visit and Also visit…

Foundation Stone For A New Temple #5

Many people are excited about the plans of the Israeli goverment to build a new temple in Jerusalem. They believe it is the fulfillment of prophecy. However, there are some details they may have omitted such as the foundation must be a living stone….