Foundation For A New Temple #21

Join us for another exciting study on the foundation for a new temple. We are studying from the book of Isaiah 62 and Hosea to discuss the 

marriage covenant and temple themes. These are very critical studies of the word of God. 


Foundation For A New Temple Episode #19

Join us next week, August 20, 2019, for another edition of “Two Guys and A Bible” right here on Fulfilled Radio. We are continuing our studies on the Kingdom Temple fulfilled in the Messianic age of Christ, the world which has no end. Dr. Don K….

Foundation For A New Temple #18

Join Don K.  Preston and William Bell for another episode of Two Guys and A Bible where we discuss the “Foundation For A New Temple” and related topics. This has been an intriguing and enlightening topic with many of hte prophetic texts explained and…

Foundation for A New Temple #@17

Will there be a new temple in Jerusalem to fulfill Bible prophecy? Many seem to think so. They cite prophecies from Ezekiel 37 and 40-48 to speak of a new last days temple that will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Is it even remotely possible that the Bible…

Foundation For A New Temple #16

We continue to explore the New Testament message on a foundation for a new temple. Join us for an exciting study of the word of God. 

For more information visit or

The Hour of Glory John 12-16

In tonight’s lesson we take an excursion from the studies on the Foundation For the Messianic temple (thought not completetly) as the lesson incorporates the Messianic temple. However, we will look at the hour of glory to discuss some correlations…

Foundation For A New Temple #15

We continue our discussion on the foundation for a new testament. We have shown the Old Testament prophecies of the new temple in many texts in the Tanakh. Now we are exploring the fulfillment of these texts in the New Testament.

Foundation For A New Temple #13

Welcome to Two Guys and A Bible Broadcasting on Fulfilled Radio, a Voice You Can Trust. Today, we are examining more studies on the Foundation For A New Temple as we examine the Messianic Temple of God. A temple was prophesied for the last days and…