A Foundation For A New Messianic Temple Ezekiel 37 #66

We continue to demonstrate the signifance of Ezekiel 37 and the nature of the resurrection discussed there relating to the doctrine of the Pharisees in contrast to that of Paul on the resurrection. The pushback from the Jews of Paul’s day is similar…

A Foundation For A New Messianic Temple Ezekiel 37, #65

Join Two Guys and A Bible for continued studies on the Foundation For A New Messianic temple. This week studies will focus on the background of Ezekiel 37 and correlations from 2 Corinthians 3-5 showing the fulfillment of the resurrection prophecies…

A Foundation For A New Temple Ezekiel 37 #64

Ezekiel 37:1-14 is a background for much of what the Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3 on the new temple of God. The temple was established in the last days 

and forms the basis of the teaching of Christ and the apostles including the book of…

Foundation For A New Temple 2 Corinthians 3-5 #64

The foundation for a study of the resurrection in its covenantal setting of 2 Corinthians 3-5 is Ezekiel 37. The work of the Spirit is fundamental in establishing this premise. The connections and correlations are unmistakeable and we must see the…

Foundation For A New Temple Ezekiel 37 #63

We continue our study of the Messianic Temple from Ezekiel 37, where the Spirit role is seen in the raising of the whole house of Israel, the gathering of the twelve tribes and the building of the new tabernacle with the Messiah King David (Jesus…