The Divine Nature and 1 Corinthians 15

In 2 Peter 3, Peter says that his audience had escaped the corruption that is in the world and taken on the divine nature according to the promises of God. He also says, in verse 11, that they would have a glorious entrance into the kigndom of God….

A Foundation For A New Messianic Temple, Ezk. 40-47#71

An intriguiging discussion on the Messianic Temple of Ezekiel chapters 40-47, and reviewing and analyzing some of the great theological minds on the topic. Did the Christ and the Pharisees have the same nature of the kingdom, temple and resurrection…

A Foundation For A New Temple, Ezekiel 40-47, #70

We have begun our trek through Ezekiel 40-47 as we continue to develop the theme of the Messianic Temple of God. This is a very intriguing portion of Scripture in which most are highly interested. These lessons will bring much clarity to the subject….

A Foundation For A New Messianic Temple #69

Join Two Guys and A Bible for another interesting study on the Messianic temple prophesied in the Old Testament and fulfilled according to the words of Christ and His apostles. Recent studies have focused on prophesies in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel,…

A Foundation For A New Messianic Temple #68

Join us for continued studies on the Foudation For A New Messianic Temple as we discuss relevant Scripture and concepts about the temple of God comparing the O.T. prophecies with N.T. fulfillment. This study has richly blessed the lives of many and…