Foundation For A New Messianic Temple Ezekiel 44

in Chapter 44, God’s Presence returns to the temple, a clear indication that sin has been purged from the people of God. What is the setting for this atonement? The correlations to the books of Matthew 23-24 and Revelation shed light on the mysteries…

Foundation For A New Messianic Temple – Ezekiel

What meaning does God intend to convey in the description of the Messianic Temple? How do we show respect for the Presence of God? Does the Most High dwells in temples made y man’s hands. Join us for an exciting study and analysis of God’s word to see…

Looking Deeper into the Song of Moses

The Song of Moses is paradigmatic for understanding NT eschatology. Amazingly, far too few Bible students are aware of how important the Song (Deuteronomy 32) truly is! This program digs into that Song a bit deeper.

A Foundation For A New Temple #81 Ezekiel 44 Feast Days

The Feast Days were a significant part of Old Covenant Israel’s History. Will these appointed festivals and convocations continue in their literal form well after the arrival of the Messianic temple. This is quite a question to entertain but it says a…

A Foundation For A New Messianic Temple #80 Ezekiel

Some believe that marriage ceases in the New Messianic Temple, i.e. the heavenly temple of Revelation. However, Ezekiel, clearly a depiction of the temple in Revelation speaks of the priests marrying virgins or widows? But how will these widows come…