The Messianic Temple – John-5- #5

In this episode of two guys and a Bible, Don and Daniel dig a little deeper into the context and historical context of John chapter 5 and Jesus’s interaction with the Samaritan woman. They also take the time to answer a listener submitted question…

The Messianic Temple – John 4 #3

In the amazing story of the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well, Jesus’ promise to give to her, a “non-Jew” living waters, was tantamount to a prophecy of the Messianic Temple. This is is a rich study, so be sure to join us!

The Messianic Temple and John 4 #4

Often, preachers and Bible class teachers neglect the Old Testament because it is “nailed to the Cross.” Although they will admit that the Hebrew Scriptures are given for our learning, rarely do they go there except to cite a few proof texts. We…