The Messianic Temple From John 4 episode #7
The Messianic Temple From John 4 episode #7
Fulfilled Radio, A Voice You Can Trust
The Messianic Temple From John 4 episode #7
The Messianic Temple-John-4-6 – 09-28-2021
In this episode of two guys and a Bible, Don and Daniel dig a little deeper into the context and historical context of John chapter 5 and Jesus’s interaction with the Samaritan woman. They also take the time to answer a listener submitted question…
In the amazing story of the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well, Jesus’ promise to give to her, a “non-Jew” living waters, was tantamount to a prophecy of the Messianic Temple. This is is a rich study, so be sure to join us!
When men put their focus on the building or rebuilding of a physical temple in Jerusalem, they are ignoring the nature of the Messianic Temple as defined by Jesus.1
The Messianic Temple is an amazingly astounding subject but also is highly controversial in today’s scholarly and non-scholarly circles. The pattern for the Messianic temple is none other than that found in the Old Covenant Scriptures.
Often, preachers and Bible class teachers neglect the Old Testament because it is “nailed to the Cross.” Although they will admit that the Hebrew Scriptures are given for our learning, rarely do they go there except to cite a few proof texts. We…
The Messianic Temple in the Gospel of John #13 answers questions about the whether we are about to experience the dawn of a third temple. Many have concluded that Jerusalem is the place for the rebuilding of the temple for the third time. What do the…
Studies of the Messianic Temple in the Gospel of John reveal Christ as the High Priest who becomes the chiefcorner stone. Join us for an exploration through Scripture on this amazing theme.
Join us for studies of the Messianic Temple in the gospel of John. These are eye-opening revelations of the word of God presented by Don K. Preston, D. Div.