Olivet Discourse Pt. 4: Matt. 24:35-51—Watching for the “Flood”

Olivet Discourse Pt. 4: Matt. 24:35-51—Watching for the "Flood"

Matthew 24 & 25 is commonly known as the “Olivet Discourse.”

In previous discussions we’ve noted that Jesus related events associated with His coming to pour out God’s wrath upon Jerusalem and all the Jews in order to fulfill prophecy and bring their covenant with Him to an irreversible end in AD 70. He was to “come with the clouds” to consume the flesh of the carcase and to “gather” His elect into the new covenant relationship with Him.

In today’s discussion we’ll look at two illustrations which prompted the urgency of that generation to be alert for the great and awesome “day of the Lord.” It also sets the stage for applying the two opening parables of chp. 25. Those illustrations are “the flood” and “the faithful and sensible slave.”

As always, we insist that the teachings of Jesus and His apostles are not merely based on the prophets; but they are the God-inspired words which show a promise-keeping God fulfilling His word!

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