Olivet Discourse, Pt. 2—Matt. 24:15–31; The Great Tribulation

Olivet Discourse, Pt. 2—Matt. 24:15–31; The Great Tribulation

When His disciples asked in amazement about the great stones of their temple being thrown to the ground, Jesus answered questions about the Temple’s destruction and His coming at the “end.” They saw “the end” as being when the Temple was destroyed. Jesus did not “correct” them in this conclusion; rather, He embraced it and built on it.

This discourse is commonly known as the “Olivet Discourse”; covering two full chapters, Matthew 24 & 25.

Rather than take the “popular” position that this discourse was about two separate “comings” of Jesus, Rod will present the view that Jesus only had in mind His coming to pour out God’s wrath upon Jerusalem and all the Jews in order to fulfill prophecy and bring their covenant with Him to an irreversible end in AD 70.

Consistency and continuity of prophecy and fulfillment are keys to grasping Jesus’ intent in this discourse.

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