Maybe you know who wrote the letter to the Hebrews. I don’t; I just call him HW (Hebrews Writer).
However, I do know what he wrote about. Hold on, I’m gonna tell you: “Hold on!”
That’s correct, this letter is all about motivatiing them to “not drift” (2:1), “hold fast” (3:6, 14), “draw near” (4:16), “show diligence unto the end” (6:11), “draw near…hold fast…stimulate each other” (10:22–24), & “run with endurance” (12:1).
“Holding on” had it’s reward. In Jesus God provided “better” than what they had in Moses: better messenger, better rest, better priesthood, better covenant, better tabernacle, better sacrifice, better city—everything worth holding on for.
HW cites several significant passages from Moses, David or the Prophets and develops his argument around them, reasoning from the text in exciting and powerful ways.
I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts with you on this highly eschatological treatise. Join me
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