Announcing Another Important new book by Don K. Preston:
Watching for the Parousia: Were Jesus’ Apostles Confused?
Did you know that the entire futurist view of eschatology, the end times, is dependent on the claim that Jesus’ apostles were a collective group of confused and ignorant men?
In Matthew 24:2 Jesus predicted the impending destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. The apostles – as almost all commentators claim – conflated that event with the end of the Christian age. But they were confused, we are told. In their confusion they asked: “Tell us, when shall these things be, and what shall be the sign of your coming and the end of the age?”
The great question is: Were the apostles as confused as the commentators claim? To put it another way, was there a legitimate, Scriptural connection between the Day of the Lord and the destruction of the Temple. It may well surprise – and challenge – you, to realize that the Bible makes that connection firm and undeniable! That means that it was not Jesus’ apostles that were confused about Christ’s coming and the end of the age. It is the modern commentators who ascribe ignorance to them.
To my knowledge, there is not another book quite like this one. Personally, I once held to the “confused apostles” view. However, the abundant and clear evidence forced me to come to the conclusion, very firmly, that I was the one that had been confused for all of those years. I hope this book will bring clarity for you, as the wide array of evidence has for me. Once a person understands that the apostles were not confused, that reality changes everything!
Don K. Preston (D. Div.).
Paperback available on this website, also on Amazon.
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Source: Don K. Preston