Continuation of Review of Michael Hatcher and When Did the Law End

Continuation of Review of Michael Hatcher and When Did the Law End

This week, our review continues with Michael Hatcher, minister of the church of Christ on the topic of the Law of Moses, and when it ceased and whether two laws could co-exist. Last week we pointed out that God called Abraham under a different law separating him from those outside of the Abrahamic call and covenant. They had their own law of circumcision and those who did not conform would be cut off from the people. 

Yet Abraham interacted with the Pharaoh of Egypt who was amenable to God, and acknowledged the same, yet did not practice circumcision. These Scriptures need an explanation, a truthful, honest explanation by the men who claim two laws cannot co-exist. 

The same was true under Moses who had a covenant God did not give to those outside of Israel. Were the Gentiles not amenable to God? According the Hatcher, the answer would be no. If not, then why did Christ die to make of the “two” one new man? More questions which need to be answered. Join us on the broadcast for more insights. 

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