Review of Bellview Lectures – Michael Hatcher End of the Law of Moses Part 3

Review of Bellview Lectures - Michael Hatcher End of the Law of Moses Part 3

Tonight we continue our review and critique of Michael Hatcher’s presentation on the Law of Moses, When Did It End?. We will focus on Romans 7, and whether two covernants can co-exist? Hatcher inconsistently and incorrectly argue they cannot. However, as demonstrated in last week’s program, this fallacy was exposed.

Hatcher acknowledges that the kingdom would be established during the days of the Roman Empire. He also acknowledges it would be crushed during the same time. What Hather does not understand is that the time the latter occurs is the judgment! It is the equivalent of 2 Tim. 4;1 and many other such judgment or second coming texts. Hatcher makes this Pentecost. He knows those kingdoms were not destoyed at Pentecost.

He claims Rome was not destroyed until the 5th century, thus by his logic, judgment occurred in the 5th century.

He also makes comments onĀ  Col. 2:14-16, Heb. 7:11-12 and 2 Cor. 3:11 and Heb. 8. We will do our best to address all texts in today’s broadcast.

Tune in today to hear the continuation of this discussion.

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